tugboat yarning

Half-Way Report on the White T-Shirt Experiment

Half-Way Report on the White T-Shirt Experiment

Towards the genesis of our blogging time, we presented a new research opportunity called The White T-Shirt Experiment. To recap on the purpose of the project, we wanted to see how quickly Pregnant Woman M could grow out of a Men’s Medium Cotton White T-shirt, commonly worn by her husband.

White T-Shirt

At the beginning, the shirt was loose and obviously ill-fitting. Now that we have reached 19 weeks, the shirt is tight and obviously ill-fitting. Here is the progression of key weeks during the study:
From Left to Right: 8 Weeks, 10 Weeks, 14 Weeks, 15 Weeks, 17 Weeks, 19 Weeks
And, so you know what has been causing the shirt to be more ill-fitting…
Again from Left to Right: 8 Weeks, 10 Weeks, 14 Weeks, 15 Weeks, 17 Weeks, 19 Weeks

We’re just about half-way, meaning that the next post might be revealing whether the baby is a girl or boy.

Stay tuned!


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